波士顿有很多出名的地方. 有多少城市可以拥有这么多的国家最古老的建筑, 多个热闹的体育场馆, 还有繁荣的食品和商业景象? 波士顿有那么多值得探索的地方, 对于第一次来的游客来说,弄清楚去哪里和做什么是很棘手的.

Here’s a secret: what you do, what you see, and where you go in Boston depends on who you’re with. That’s why 买球推荐软件app排名 put together this comprehensive guide: so your group’s visit is as personalized and smooth as possible!

Keep reading to narrow down your first-time Boston itinerary, and give our team a call at 617-314-7577 for seamless bus rental transportation around the city—whether you’re rooting for the home team with your Boston 粉丝群 或计划一天的啤酒厂之旅与您的 婚礼.





最佳游览时间: 5月到10月——大多数历史遗迹和博物馆都在冬季关闭

最好的社区: 市区及毕肯山

Boston is not only one of the oldest cities in the country, but also one of the best-preserved. 你的观光团可以花几个星期游览古迹, 遗产, 还有古老的建筑,但仍然没有覆盖全部!  无论你走到哪里,都要记住这一点 历史遗迹 波士顿的大部分景点都在户外,所以你最好在天气好的时候计划行程.

你还需要一双结实的步行鞋, because one of the best ways to explore Boston’s history is by walking the Freedom Trail. 这个2.5英里的步道突出了市中心和北端的16个地方, including the legendary 老北教堂 and the Boston Common (the oldest park in America). Don’t worry if you’re visiting with wheelchair users or folks with mobility concerns, though. 买球推荐软件app排名 can connect you with an ADA-compliant coach at no additional cost, 和你的 买球推荐软件app排名司机 我能让你在最受欢迎的景点附近下车吗!

等你们游览完波士顿自由之路, 你肯定想去比肯山逛逛. 这个社区是这个城市最古老的社区之一, so even if you only have time to look at the centuries-old brick buildings through your window as you pass by in your bus rental, 这趟旅行非常值得. 如果你有时间四处走走, keep your eyes peeled for little gold signs throughout the district; they designate historically significant buildings, 波士顿名人的故居, 和更多的!



地址:115 Boylston St, Boston, MA 02116






Two baseball player talk on the field, fans filling the seats of 芬威球场 in Boston


最佳游览时间: when your favorite sport is in season—Boston hosts major league teams all throughout the year

最好的邻居: 芬威-肯莫尔球场(芬威公园的主场)

任何 波士顿体育迷 我可以告诉你, the city has a team and a venue for nearly any major league sport and an avid fan base for each! So whether you’re a basketball fan wanting to watch the Celtics in action or a tailgater crowd gearing up for the next Patriots’ game, 你一定会在波士顿找到支持的人.

One popular sports venue your long-time sports fans and first-time Boston visitors should make time for is the famous 芬威球场. 即使你不是红袜队的球迷, 任何棒球爱好者都不应该错过参观美国职业棒球大联盟最古老棒球场的机会. 公园全年都提供导游服务(即使在棒球赛季)。, 所以你的体育迷应该很容易到达体育场最具历史意义的地方, 包括绿怪物, 孤独的红色座椅, 讨厌的标杆, 和更多的.

你的芬威之旅还不满意? Explore a broader sense of the region’s sports history at the 新英格兰体育博物馆! The facility showcases the accomplishments and larger-than-life athletes from the Boston area, 一般导览安排在上午10点至下午10点.m. 还有3p.m. 大多数日子和个性化的谈话与策展人可按要求提供.



地址:4泽西街,波士顿,MA 02215




地址:100 Legends Way, Boston, MA 02114




最佳游览时间: 夏季——大多数波士顿美食节在6月到10月之间举行

最好的邻居: 北边

这里有很多特色食物, 波士顿有很多种口味, 节日, 还有以美食为中心的导游,让你的吃货满意. 在波士顿公共市场大啖龙虾卷, 在一个海滨社区品尝蛤蜊浓汤, 或者在波士顿奶油派的诞生地欧米派克大厦款待自己. 如果你找对时间的话, your group can enjoy Boston’s finest fare at one of the many food 节日 hosted throughout the year. Many of 北边’s Italian restaurants host specials in honor of Saint Anthony’s Feast in September, and some of the city’s most acclaimed chefs prep new and innovative eats during the Dine Out Boston festival in August.

找点东西把它吞下去? 那些和21岁以上的人一起旅行的人很幸运: 啤酒在波士顿很受欢迎. 在鱼叉等波士顿啤酒公司的阵容之间, 塞缪尔·亚当斯, 和延龄草, 许多较小的手工酿酒厂, 以及秋天的啤酒节活动, 当你在城里的时候,你的啤酒爱好者肯定有事情要做和喝. 预定一个 私人班车服务 在你去酒吧之前, 您的团队将有一个专业的DD和可靠的车返回酒店!







地址:60 School St, Boston, MA 02108




最佳游览时间: April or May for post-Spring Clean thrifting, end of summer and winter for seasonal department sales

最好的邻居: 后湾

除了参观纪念碑或探索当地美食之外, many first-time Boston visitors make time to peruse the city’s clothing stores while they’re here. And it’s no surprise why—in the city, shoppers pay no sales tax on clothing purchases under $175. 即使你买的比这多,销售税仍然只有6.5%:远低于周边各州.

如果你的团队对奢侈品牌和高端精品店感兴趣, 考虑去后湾看看. 这一带有许多购物中心, including Newbury Street (which is lined with international and local boutiques) and 科普利广场 (which boasts Neiman Marcus, Jimmy Choo, 鲁布托, 迪奥, 巴宝莉(Burberry)的店面). 但如果你想在预算有限的情况下探索这个社区, you can always find a consignment shop or two after window shopping in the ritzy districts.



地址:100亨廷顿大道,波士顿,MA 02116




就像你决定在城里看的景点一样, how your first-timers get around Boston also depends on who you’re with and what interests you:


波士顿的公共交通系统, 被亲切地称为" T,” consists of buses and trains that radiate from downtown to the surrounding cities and suburbs. 大多数主要景点和社区都可以乘坐公共交通工具到达, and locals and tourists alike say it’s easy to use—even for out-of-town visitors here for the first time. 为了骑T, 乘客可以购买可充值的纸质车票或硬塑料卡, 单程票价1美元起.每位乘客70美元.

The T is a transport method best used by groups of less than 6 adults who won’t mind walking a few blocks if there isn’t a station close to your destination. Larger groups and groups with kids may find it challenging to keep everyone together on the trains, 尤其是在高峰时段,车里挤满了人.



出租车, 超级, and Lyfts are great modes of transport for smaller groups who don’t have a solid itinerary. 在这些服务方面,波士顿是一个交通繁忙的城市, 所以你的团队几乎可以在任何地方叫到出租车或拼车. 也, 他们几乎可以带你去任何有路的地方, which makes them a flexible option for groups who want the freedom to go where and when they want to, 不用等火车或买球推荐软件app排名.

话虽如此, 如果你和一大群人一起旅行,并且依赖拼车, 你可能需要分乘多辆车去不同的目的地. 这意味着你需要在两站之间支付多次车费. 考虑到价格因季节而异, 本地驱动可用性, 还有一年中的时间, so your group won’t know what your transportation expenses will be until after your trip—which is not ideal if you’re traveling on a set budget.



Reserving a personalized bus rental is one of the easiest ways for large groups to traverse Boston together for many reasons. 一方面, your bus rental includes a professional driver and a bespoke motorcoach that only serves your group, so you won’t need to worry about sharing your ride with other sightseers or locals commuting home from work. 因为你的大巴只服务于你的团队, it only operates on a route and schedule you make for it—so as long as you’re willing to plan ahead, 你几乎可以到达这个城市的任何地方, 都在一起,你想去的时候就去.

甚至更好的, 当你向像买球推荐软件app排名这样的供应商预订时, 你可以乘坐大大小小的各种各样的汽车. 需要一辆更大的马车来保持你的 历史类 舒适的? 许多全尺寸包车都配有电视屏幕等舒适设施, DVD播放机, and 躺椅—so your students can watch movies and relax during the long hauls into town. 或者,如果你只需要一个小穿梭机 同事 在一个大型会议之后,你可以在城市里放松一下吗 小型买球推荐软件app排名租赁 车上的无线网络确保每个人都能保持联系和娱乐. 所以不管你运送的是10个人还是100个人, a private bus rental can keep your first-time Boston visitors 舒适的 throughout the city.



如果是这样的话, consider 买球推荐软件app排名 your go-to transportation provider for group travels in the city. Whether you’re learning about history with your grade school class or stopping for drinks after a corporate event, 我们会为您安排理想的巴士租赁服务,让大家在一起,享受舒适.

呼叫 617-314-7577 今天来询问我们的车队,并要求免费WiFi等设施, 躺椅, 或者船上厕所. Our 24/7 team is standing by to offer a free, no-obligation quote for your Boston bus rental!